
MenuBar component based on Yahoo UI menubar widget

Screen Shot


component-family net.sf.yui4jsf.Menu
renderer-type net.sf.yui4jsf.component.MenuBarRenderer
component-class net.sf.yui4jsf.component.menubar.MenuBar
renderer-class net.sf.yui4jsf.component.menubar.MenuBarRenderer
tag-class net.sf.yui4jsf.component.menubar.MenuBarTag


	<yui:submenu title="Mail">
		<yui:menuitem text="Gmail" url=""></yui:menuitem>
		<yui:menuitem text="Yahoo Mail" url=""></yui:menuitem>
		<yui:menuitem text="Hotmail" url="" target="_blank"></yui:menuitem>
	<yui:submenu title="Sports">
		<yui:menuitem text="FIFA" url=""></yui:menuitem>
		<yui:menuitem text="NBA" url=""></yui:menuitem>
	<yui:submenu title="Videos">
		<yui:menuitem text="YouTube" url=""></yui:menuitem>
		<yui:menuitem text="Google Video" url=""></yui:menuitem>



Standard Attributes - id, rendered, binding
visible - Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false)
constrainToViewport - Boolean value to keep the menu inside the confines of the size of viewport
monitorResize - Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM
x - Sets the element's "left" style property
y - Sets the element's "top" style property
fixedCenter - Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize
width - Width of the menu in pixels
height - Height of the menu in pixels
zIndex - zIndex property of the menu
iframe - Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through (true by default for IE 6 and below)
autoSubmenuDisplay - Boolean indicating if submenus are automatically made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items
showDelay - Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a submenu is made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items
hideDelay - Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before the menu is hidden
submenuHideDelay - Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of a menu item heading in the direction of a submenu. The value must be greater than or equal to the value specified for the "showdelay" configuration property
maxheight - Defines the maximum height (in pixels) for a menu before the contents of the body are scrolled
rootClass - CSS class to be applied to the root element of the menu
subMenuTitleClass - CSS class to be applied to the submenu titles
subMenuClass - CSS class to be applied to the submenu contents
itemClass - CSS class to be applied to the li elements of menuitems
itemLabelClass - CSS class to be applied to the anchor elements of menuitem
enableLogging - Enable Logging or not

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