
Logger component based on Yahoo UI logger widget. It can log the YUI4JSF components events.

Screen Shot


component-family net.sf.yui4jsf
renderer-type net.sf.yui4jsf.component.LoggerRenderer
component-class net.sf.yui4jsf.component.logger.Logger
renderer-class net.sf.yui4jsf.component.logger.LoggerRenderer
tag-class net.sf.yui4jsf.component.logger.LoggerTag


				<yui:logger draggable="{true|false}">
					<yui:loggerMessage message="Welcome to YUI4JSF" level="{info | warn | error | time | window}" />



Standard Attributes - id, rendered, binding
draggable - Boolean value that indicates whether to make the logger draggable or not.
width - Specify whether the width of the logger
height - Specify whether the height of the logger
left - Position of the logger from left edge of viewport
right - Position of the logger from right edge of viewport
top - Position of the logger from top edge of viewport
bottom - Position of the logger from bottom edge of viewport
fontSize - Specify the logger font size
footerEnabled - Enable the logger footer or not
enable - Enable the logger or not
thresholdMax - Maximum number of messages a logger console will display.
thresholdMin - The minimum number of messages that should be displayed when the logger is cleared due to reaching maximum threshold.
outputBuffer - The logger output timeout buffer in milliseconds


see logger.jsp or any other loggerXXX.jsp for examples

Upcoming Features


Additional Information