Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:



This is version 1.0.

Required attributes are marked with a *


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
animationDuration The number of milliseconds for animation duration. String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
contentClass Style class for the content part String
headerClass Style class for the headers String
id Id of the component String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
rootClass Style class for main div container String
selectedTabIndex Index of the selected tab String
widgetId Javascript variable name of the wrapped yui widget String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
accesskey Html accesskey attribute of the command button String
action null String
actionListener null String
alt Html alt attribute of the command button String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
dir Html dir attribute of the command button String
disabled Html disabled attribute of the command button String
id Id of the component String
image Image of the command button String
immediate null String
lang Html lang attribute of the command button String
onblur Html onblur attribute of the command button String
onchange Html onchange attribute of the command button String
onclick Html onclick attribute of the command button String
ondblclick Html ondblclick attribute of the command button String
onfocus Html onfocus attribute of the command button String
onkeydown Html onkeydown attribute of the command button String
onkeypress Html onkeypress attribute of the command button String
onkeyup Html onkeyup attribute of the command button String
onmousedown Html onmousedown attribute of the command button String
onmousemove Html onmousemove attribute of the command button String
onmouseout Html onmouseout attribute of the command button String
onmouseover Html onmouseover attribute of the command button String
onmouseup Html onmouseup attribute of the command button String
onselect Html onselect attribute of the command button String
readonly Html readonly attribute of the command button String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
style Html style attribute of the command button String
styleClass Html class attribute of the command button String
tabindex Html tabindex attribute of the command button String
title Html title attribute of the command button String
type Html title attribute of the command button String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
accesskey Html accesskey attribute of the input text String
allowBrowserAutocomplete Boolean indicating the allow for the browser to complete String
alt Html alt attribute of the input text String
alwaysShowContainer Boolean indicating showing the result container all the time String
autoHighlight Boolean indicating the highlighting first row, default false String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
completeMethod* Method that will return the suggested items String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
dir Html dir attribute of the input text String
disabled Html disabled attribute of the input text String
enableLogging Enable Logging or not ... String
forceSelection Boolean indicating the a row from the result list must be selected, default false String
highlightClass Style class of the li elements used to display the results String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
lang Html lang attribute of the input text String
maxResultsDisplayed Maximum number of items to be displayed String
maxlength Html maxlength attribute of the input text String
minQueryLength Minimum query length required String
onblur Html onblur attribute of the input text String
onchange Html onchange attribute of the input text String
onclick Html onclick attribute of the input text String
ondblclick Html ondblclick attribute of the input text String
onfocus Html onfocus attribute of the input text String
onkeydown Html onkeydown attribute of the input text String
onkeypress Html onkeypress attribute of the input text String
onkeyup Html onkeyup attribute of the input text String
onmousedown Html onmousedown attribute of the input text String
onmousemove Html onmousemove attribute of the input text String
onmouseout Html onmouseout attribute of the input text String
onmouseover Html onmouseover attribute of the input text String
onmouseup Html onmouseup attribute of the input text String
queryDelay Query delay in terms of seconds String
readonly Html readonly attribute of the input text String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
size Html size attribute of the input text String
style Html style attribute of the input text String
styleClass Html class attribute of the input text String
tabindex Html tabindex attribute of the input text String
title Html title attribute of the input text String
typeAhead Boolean indicating the user's input to be automatically completed with the first query result in the container list. String
useIFrame Boolean indicating the usage an IFrame for the results part String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String
widgetId Javascript variable name of the wrapped yui widget String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
close Displays a close icon the top of calendar String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
enableLogging Enable Logging or not, default value is "false" String
hideBlankWeeks Boolean value to show/hide extra weeks that are outside of the current month String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
maxdate String representation of maximum selectable date, e.g. "10.02.2010" String
mindate String representation of minimum selectable date, e.g. "22.01.1980" String
mode basic|text, Defines how the date will be selected; "basic" only displays a calendar, "text" displays inputtext next to calendar String
monthFormat "short"|"medium"|"long", Format of the month title, default value is "long" String
popup Boolean value to display the calendar with a popup, default value is false String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
showWeekFooter Determines whether to display row footers String
showWeekHeader Determines whether to display row headers String
showWeekdays Boolean value to determine display of weekday headers String
startWeekday 0-6, Specifies the start day of the week, default value is "0" String
title Displays a title text at the top of calendar String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String
weekdayFormat "1char"|"short"|"medium"|"long", Format of the weekday title, default value is "short" String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
displayValueOnly Determines whether to display the color as read only value or not ... String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
id Id of the component String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
resizeable Boolean to make the column width resizeable, default is false String
sortable Boolean value that makes the column sortable when true, default is false String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
accesskey Html accesskey attribute of the command button String
action null String
actionListener null String
alt Html alt attribute of the command button String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
dir Html dir attribute of the command button String
disabled Html disabled attribute of the command button String
id Id of the component String
image Image of the command button String
immediate null String
lang Html lang attribute of the command button String
onblur Html onblur attribute of the command button String
onchange Html onchange attribute of the command button String
onclick Html onclick attribute of the command button String
ondblclick Html ondblclick attribute of the command button String
onfocus Html onfocus attribute of the command button String
onkeydown Html onkeydown attribute of the command button String
onkeypress Html onkeypress attribute of the command button String
onkeyup Html onkeyup attribute of the command button String
onmousedown Html onmousedown attribute of the command button String
onmousemove Html onmousemove attribute of the command button String
onmouseout Html onmouseout attribute of the command button String
onmouseover Html onmouseover attribute of the command button String
onmouseup Html onmouseup attribute of the command button String
onselect Html onselect attribute of the command button String
readonly Html readonly attribute of the command button String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
style Html style attribute of the command button String
styleClass Html class attribute of the command button String
tabindex Html tabindex attribute of the command button String
title Html title attribute of the command button String
type Html title attribute of the command button String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
accesskey Html accesskey attribute of the command button String
action null String
actionListener null String
alt Html alt attribute of the command button String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
dir Html dir attribute of the command button String
disabled Html disabled attribute of the command button String
id Id of the component String
image Image of the command button String
immediate null String
lang Html lang attribute of the command button String
onblur Html onblur attribute of the command button String
onchange Html onchange attribute of the command button String
onclick Html onclick attribute of the command button String
ondblclick Html ondblclick attribute of the command button String
onfocus Html onfocus attribute of the command button String
onkeydown Html onkeydown attribute of the command button String
onkeypress Html onkeypress attribute of the command button String
onkeyup Html onkeyup attribute of the command button String
onmousedown Html onmousedown attribute of the command button String
onmousemove Html onmousemove attribute of the command button String
onmouseout Html onmouseout attribute of the command button String
onmouseover Html onmouseover attribute of the command button String
onmouseup Html onmouseup attribute of the command button String
onselect Html onselect attribute of the command button String
readonly Html readonly attribute of the command button String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
style Html style attribute of the command button String
styleClass Html class attribute of the command button String
tabindex Html tabindex attribute of the command button String
title Html title attribute of the command button String
type Html title attribute of the command button String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
dropdownOptions Options of DropDown pager, e.g "25,50,100" String
first Index of the first row to be displayed String
headerClass CSS class to be applied in thead element of datatable String
height Height of the datatable String
id Id of the component String
pageLinks Number of page links to be shown String
paginator Enables pagination, default is true String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
rowClasses CSS classes for odd and even numbered tr elements String
rows Number of rows to display per page String
scrollable When specified as true, header is fixed and rows become scrollable String
tableClass CSS class to be applied to the root table element String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
var* Name of the request-scoped variable that'll be used as the holder of each rowdata before processing a row String
width Width of the datatable String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
close Displays a "close" icon in the header String
constrainToViewport Boolean value to keep the tooltip panel inside the confines of the size of viewport String
draggable Boolean value whether to allow the user to drag the Panel using its header String
fixedCenter Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize String
height Height of the tooltip panel in pixels String
id Id of the component String
iframe Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through. (true by default for IE 6 and below) String
modal Boolean value that specifies whether the document should be shielded with a partially transparent mask to require the user to close the Panel before being able to activate any elements in the document. String
monitorResize Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM String
postMethod Post method to be used when submitting the dialog form, valid values are async|form|none. Async refers to ajax request and form refers to normal form submit, default is "form" String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
underlay Specifies the type of underlay to display under the Panel. Possible values: none|shadow|matte String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
widgetId Javascript variable name of the wrapped yui widget String
width Width of the tooltip panel in pixels String
x Sets the element's "left" style property String
y Sets the element's "top" style property String
zIndex zIndex property of the tooltip panel String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
accesskey Html accesskey attribute of the textarea String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
cols Html cols attribute of the textarea String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
dir Html dir attribute of the textarea String
disabled Html disabled attribute of the textarea String
height Height of the editor String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
lang Html lang attribute of the textarea String
onblur Html onblur attribute of the textarea String
onchange Html onchange attribute of the textarea String
onclick Html onclick attribute of the textarea String
ondblclick Html ondblclick attribute of the textarea String
onfocus Html onfocus attribute of the textarea String
onkeydown Html onkeydown attribute of the textarea String
onkeypress Html onkeypress attribute of the textarea String
onkeyup Html onkeyup attribute of the textarea String
onmousedown Html onmousedown attribute of the textarea String
onmousemove Html onmousemove attribute of the textarea String
onmouseout Html onmouseout attribute of the textarea String
onmouseover Html onmouseover attribute of the textarea String
onmouseup Html onmouseup attribute of the textarea String
onselect Html onselect attribute of the textarea String
readonly Html readonly attribute of the textarea String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
rows Html rows attribute of the textarea String
style Html style attribute of the textarea String
styleClass Html class attribute of the textarea String
tabindex Html tabindex attribute of the textarea String
title Html title attribute of the textarea String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String
width Width of the editor String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
cancelButtonTitle The title of the input color dialog cancel button String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
inputColorDialogTitle The title of the input color dialog String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
showButtonTitle The title of the input color show button String
submitButtonTitle The title of the input color dialog submit button String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
bottom Position of the logger from bottom edge of viewport ... String
draggable Specify whether the logger is draggable or not ... String
enable Enable the logger or not ... String
fontSize Logger font size ... String
footerEnabled Enable the logger footer or not ... String
height Specify whether the height of the logger ... String
id Id of the component String
left Position of the logger from left edge of viewport ... String
outputBuffer The logger output buffer... String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
right Position of the logger from right edge of viewport ... String
thresholdMax Maximum # of messages at the Console ... String
thresholdMin Minimum # of messages at the Console ... String
top Position of the logger from top edge of viewport ... String
width Specify whether the width of the logger ... String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
id Id of the component String
level* String to specify the logger message level. Values: info | warn | error | time | window String
message* String to specify the logger message. String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
autoSubmenuDisplay Boolean indicating if submenus are automatically made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
constrainToViewport Boolean value to keep the menu inside the confines of the size of viewport String
enableLogging Enable Logging or not String
fixedCenter Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize String
footerText The Text in the menu footer if exists String
headerText The Text in the menu header if exists String
height Height of the element in pixels String
hideDelay Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before the menu is hidden String
id Id of the component String
iframe Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through. (true by default for IE 6 and below) String
itemClass CSS class to be applied to the li elements of menuitems String
itemLabelClass CSS class to be applied to the anchor elements of menuitem String
maxheight Defines the maximum height (in pixels) for a menu before the contents of the body are scrolled String
monitorResize Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
rootClass CSS class to be applied to the root element of the menu String
showDelay Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a submenu is made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items String
subMenuClass CSS class to be applied to the submenu contents String
subMenuTitleClass CSS class to be applied to the submenu titles String
submenuHideDelay Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of a menu item heading in the direction of a submenu. The value must be greater than or equal to the value specified for the "showdelay" configuration property. String
tiered Boolean value indication the display mode of the submenus, when it's false menuitems are displayed at the same tier, when true they're displayed at a new tier, default value is false String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
width Width of the element in pixels String
x Sets the element's "left" style property String
y Sets the element's "top" style property String
zIndex zIndex property of the element String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
autoSubmenuDisplay Boolean indicating if submenus are automatically made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
constrainToViewport Boolean value to keep the menu inside the confines of the size of viewport String
enableLogging Enable Logging or not String
fixedCenter Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize String
footerText The Text in the menu footer if exists String
headerText The Text in the menu header if exists String
height Height of the element in pixels String
hideDelay Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before the menu is hidden String
id Id of the component String
iframe Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through. (true by default for IE 6 and below) String
itemClass CSS class to be applied to the li elements of menuitems String
itemLabelClass CSS class to be applied to the anchor elements of menuitem String
maxheight Defines the maximum height (in pixels) for a menu before the contents of the body are scrolled String
monitorResize Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
rootClass CSS class to be applied to the root element of the menu String
showDelay Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a submenu is made visible when the user mouses over the menu's items String
subMenuClass CSS class to be applied to the submenu contents String
subMenuTitleClass CSS class to be applied to the submenu titles String
submenuHideDelay Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of a menu item heading in the direction of a submenu. The value must be greater than or equal to the value specified for the "showdelay" configuration property. String
tiered Boolean value indication the display mode of the submenus, when it's false menuitems are displayed at the same tier, when true they're displayed at a new tier, default value is false String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
width Width of the element in pixels String
x Sets the element's "left" style property String
y Sets the element's "top" style property String
zIndex zIndex property of the element String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
caption The caption of the menu button String
id Id of the component String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
accesskey Html accesskey attribute of the command button String
action null String
actionListener null String
alt Html alt attribute of the command button String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
dir Html dir attribute of the command button String
disabled Html disabled attribute of the command button String
id Id of the component String
image Image of the command button String
immediate null String
lang Html lang attribute of the command button String
onblur Html onblur attribute of the command button String
onchange Html onchange attribute of the command button String
onclick Html onclick attribute of the command button String
ondblclick Html ondblclick attribute of the command button String
onfocus Html onfocus attribute of the command button String
onkeydown Html onkeydown attribute of the command button String
onkeypress Html onkeypress attribute of the command button String
onkeyup Html onkeyup attribute of the command button String
onmousedown Html onmousedown attribute of the command button String
onmousemove Html onmousemove attribute of the command button String
onmouseout Html onmouseout attribute of the command button String
onmouseover Html onmouseover attribute of the command button String
onmouseup Html onmouseup attribute of the command button String
onselect Html onselect attribute of the command button String
readonly Html readonly attribute of the command button String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
style Html style attribute of the command button String
styleClass Html class attribute of the command button String
tabindex Html tabindex attribute of the command button String
title Html title attribute of the command button String
type Html title attribute of the command button String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
id Id of the component String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
target Target element of the submenu's anchor element String
text* Menuitem name to be displayed String
url URL that will be navigated to when the menu item is selected String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
close Displays a "close" icon in the header String
constrainToViewport Boolean value to keep the tooltip panel inside the confines of the size of viewport String
draggable Boolean value whether to allow the user to drag the Panel using its header String
fixedCenter Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize String
height Height of the element in pixels String
id Id of the component String
iframe Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through. (true by default for IE 6 and below) String
modal Boolean value that specifies whether the document should be shielded with a partially transparent mask to require the user to close the Panel before being able to activate any elements in the document. String
monitorResize Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
underlay Specifies the type of underlay to display under the Panel. Possible values: none|shadow|matte String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
width Width of the element in pixels String
x Sets the element's "left" style property String
y Sets the element's "top" style property String
zIndex zIndex property of the element String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
close Displays a "close" icon in the header String
constrainToViewport Boolean value to keep the tooltip panel inside the confines of the size of viewport String
draggable Boolean value whether to allow the user to drag the Panel using its header String
fixedCenter Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize String
header Header text to be displayed String
height Height of the tooltip panel in pixels String
icon Constant images to be rendered on the left side of the simple dialog. Possible values are block|warn|help|info|alarm|tip, default value is warn String
id Id of the component String
iframe Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through. (true by default for IE 6 and below) String
modal Boolean value that specifies whether the document should be shielded with a partially transparent mask to require the user to close the Panel before being able to activate any elements in the document String
monitorResize Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM String
noText Text that's displayed on the no button, default is "No" String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
text Body text to be displayed String
underlay Specifies the type of underlay to display under the Panel. Possible values: none|shadow|matte String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
width Width of the tooltip panel in pixels String
x Sets the element's "left" style property String
y Sets the element's "top" style property String
yesText Text that's displayed on the yes button, default is "Yes" String
zIndex zIndex property of the tooltip panel String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
close Boolean value to adjust the visible of close button String
constraintoviewport Boolean value to keep the panel inside the confines of the size of viewport String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
draggable Boolean value whether to allow the user to drag the slideshow panel String
durationofeffect duration of the transition effect in seconds String
effect effect for transition between images. FADE | SLIDE String
fixedcenter Boolean value that sets slideshow panel at the center of screen String
id Id of the component String
modal Boolean value that specifies whether the document should be shielded with a partially transparent mask to require the user to close the slideshow panel before being able to activate any elements in the document. String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
scale Boolean value that specifies whether the image will be scaled or not. String
timerId id of the component that holds the timer autoPlay value String
underlay Specifies the type of underlay to display under the slideshow panel. Possible values: none|shadow|matte String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
width Width of the slideshow String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
animate Boolean value to set an animation when slider background is clicked, default is true String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
down Number of pixels the slider can move down String
enableLogging Enable Logging or not ... String
for Id of the component that the slider will be used for String
id Id of the component String
left Number of pixels the slider can move left String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
right Number of pixels the slider can move right String
style Style of the slider background String
styleClass Style class of the slider background String
thumbClass Style class of the slider thumb String
thumbImage Image of the slider thumb String
thumbStyle Style of the slider thumb String
tickMarks Fixed pixel increments that the slider will move in String
type horiz|vert, Specifies the type of the slider String
up Number of pixels the slider can move up String
widgetId Javascript variable name of the wrapped yui widget String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
id Id of the component String
immediate Boolean value that specifies the lifecycle phase the valueChangeEvents should be processed, when true the events will be fired at "apply request values", if immediate is set to false, valueChangeEvents are fired in "process validations" phase. Default is false String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
required Boolean value that makes the component required, default value is false String
style Style of the Drag-Drop List String
styleClass Style of the Drag-Drop List String
validator A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for validating the input String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
valueChangeListener A method binding EL expression that refers to a method for handling a value change event String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
id Id of the component String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
title Title of the submenu String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
id Id of the component String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
title* Title of the tab String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
activeTabClass Style class for the selected tab String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
contentClass Style class of the tab content String
contentTransition Applies a transition effect during changing the tabs, default value is false String
disabledTabClass Style class of the disabled tabs String
id Id of the component String
inactiveTabClass Style class for the inactive tabs String
navigationClass Style class for the div element containing the tab headers String
orientation Defines how the tabs should oriented, valid values are top|bottom|left|right String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
selectedTabIndex Index of the selected tab String
styleClass Style class of the main div element String
tabLabelClass Style class to be applied to anchor element containing the tab label String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
autoDismissDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before automatically dismissing a Tooltip after the mouse has been resting on the context element. String
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
constrainToViewport Boolean value to keep the tooltip panel inside the confines of the size of viewport String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
fixedCenter Boolean value that specifies whether the component should be automatically centered in the viewport on window scroll and resize String
for Id of the component that the tooltip panel will be used for String
height Height of the element in pixels String
hideDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before hiding a Tooltip on mouseover. String
id Id of the component String
iframe Boolean value to place an iframe to prevent other elements with a higher z-index from poking through. (true by default for IE 6 and below) String
monitorResize Boolean value that configures whether or not to create a hidden off-screen element that can be used to monitor for text size changes in the DOM String
preventOverlap Specifies whether the Tooltip should be kept from overlapping its context element String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
showDelay The number of milliseconds to wait before showing a Tooltip on mouseover. String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
visible Sets the element's "display" style property to either "block"(true) or "none" (false) String
width Width of the element in pixels String
x Sets the element's "left" style property String
y Sets the element's "top" style property String
zIndex zIndex property of the element String


Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
binding An EL expression that maps to a server-side component instance in a backing bean String
collapseAnim Collapsing animation type String
converter An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id String
enableLogging Enable Logging or not. String
expandAnim Expanding animation type String
id Id of the component String
itemClickListener serverside listener when a TextNode item clicked String
itemCollapseListener serverside listener when a TextNode item collapse String
itemExpandListener serverside listener when a TextNode item expanded String
lazyLoadListener serverside listener when to make lazy loading job String
onCollapse javascript user callback function when collapse event occured String
onExpand javascript user callback function when expand event occured String
onItemClick javascript user callback function when a TextNode item clicked String
rendered Boolean value to specify the visibility of the component String
style Style of the slider background String
styleClass Style class of the slider background String
useCustomStyle Use yui's default treeview style or a custom one of yours. String
value Value of the component that can be either an EL expression or a literal text String
widgetId Javascript variable name of the wrapped yui widget String